We must recognize how we have internalized unhealthy patterns that reach for financial capital before acknowledging the social costs. The ICSB 2021 Global Congress in Paris will demonstrate how the simple addition of humanity into our work as supporters and creators of MSMEs can behold the power to completely alter our motivations and outcomes. By engaging in human-centered work, we can alter our perceptions of our own capabilities as well as the capabilities of others, which then invites us into a place of greater progress, growth, and sustainable wealth development
Humanity and humane-centered work have never been of such importance. The coronavirus has exposed the way we have seamlessly and far too eagerly forgotten the human person’s value on our hunt for progress and innovation. That is why at this moment we must ask ourselves, “If our work and our society are not created for humanity, what is our goal?’
The International Council for Small Business (ICSB) is an organization dedicated to providing knowledge, information on new developments, and useful resources to micro, small, and medium-sized enterprises to inspire growth and profitability.