The ICSB 2024 Doctoral Consortium provides a unique opportunity for students close to finishing or recently completing their doctorate to interact with experienced researchers in entrepreneurship and small business. A senior member of the community will be assigned as a mentor for each student based on the student’s preference or similarity of research interests. All students and mentors will attend a Doctoral Consortium event during the conference (in-person or virtual), allowing the students to discuss their ongoing research and career plans with their mentors. In addition, each student will present at the Doctoral Consortium event their dissertation (proposal stage or completed), describing their thesis research or a single recent paper, to the other participants and their mentors. Participation in the Doctoral Consortium events during the conference (in-person or virtual) is required for all students accepted for the ICSB 2024 Doctoral Consortium.
Students must be conducting research in entrepreneurship or small business and be within 12 months (before or after) of graduating with their doctoral degree.
Students that meet the eligibility requirements should submit an application using a web form (see below).
In addition, the applicant must submit the following as a single pdf file:
Associate Professor of Entrepreneurship in the Jim Moran College of Entrepreneurship at Florida State University.
The International Council for Small Business (ICSB) is an organization dedicated to providing knowledge, information on new developments, and useful resources to micro, small, and medium-sized enterprises to inspire growth and profitability.